in other news

Sep 22, 2011 02:51

It's cold. Temps have gone from the 80's to the 60's and down into the 40s at night. Leaves turned about a week after the hurricane. Pumpkins are going to be scarce this year.

Watching Rachel Ray (don't judge me!!!) and there was a 'fashion' segment showing fall fashions. The model came out wearing an oversized sweater with wide horizontal stripes of beige and orange. This was tucked into a pink tweed skirt that came down below the knee. And blue flat shoes. And while RR and the expert were oo'ing and ah'ing over this - OMG that is not fashion! That is the polar opposite of fashion! Hidious! There is nothing about that outfit that was flattering in any way to a /model/, the definition of pretty girl. Not her neck, her shoulders, her arms, her chest, her waist, her legs, her butt, or her ankles. Dear Fahsionatas - you're not fooling me. That outfit SUCKS. WTF is up with this crap?

**real ranty stuff follows**

Lastly, caught some of The Doctors, which isn't a good program on a good day. But I was surprised and appauled (hi paul!) to witness the entire panel have a complete meltdown over whether obese people should pay more for health insurance.
"Of course they should! They're making bad health choices! Why should I pay for them?!" and "if you give anyone free health care human nature dictates they'll use it for all stupid stuff and cost us tons o money."
Wow. I have never seen them go rabid before. Seriously, there was screaming and scary faces. Rabid.
I give some credit to the two actual doctors who made some small noises about how healthy food is more expensive and lower income people buy the food they can get. To which the others replied, "yes we should make healthy food more available and tax the HELL out of junk food!" And then they jumped back on the 'It's a CHOICE!' bandwagon.

To which I have to ask what the hell do you mean by 'more available'? Cheaper? You didn't SAY cheaper. If healthy fresh food was /cheaper/ than junk food that would help. But raising the price of junk food to get there is NOT the answer. People need to feed a family. If mac and cheese is cheap, which it is, guess what they buy? You rich f*ing high horses.
And while we're here, how about the lack of time? The vast majority of families are now 2 income families and that is not one parent is bored and needs a hobby job. The number of 3 or more job familes is rising every day. Where is the time left to prepare a meal? Who has time to buy fresh veggies, much less wash, peel, chop and cook them? For a side dish.
Parents are working and when they aren't working they are driving their kids to some after school thing because god forbid our kids go outside into the YARD to play. We, for some reason, are now /convinced/ that all children on the street will get kidnapped so we can never, ever leave them alone out there. They can only go to organized sporting events. If we've time to take them once or twice a week. If there are multiple kids that's multiple sports and multiple trips and now we're in the car for hours out of our week and who has time?

So hey, The Doctors, you wanna scream about health care costs - you better stop thinking like a freakin healthnut who gets paid a 6-7 figure salary to work out /and nothing else/ - and start embracing the every day people struggling to get from paycheck to paycheck. Cuz they waaaay outnumber your pansy pilates arse.

That being said, how about some screaming directed at the health care system with the +300% increase in prices with 0% improved care? Hmmmm?

i say, ranty, politics

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