boston is not my home

Sep 22, 2010 04:54

BOSTON. Is actively trying to stop people from driving inside its borders.
I know because I spent over 2 and a half hours this morning trying. With the aid of google directions, a city map, and 3 stops to ask for directions. Trying to get to an address 2 blocks off the interstate. Oh and an extra hour to get back on that interstate to go home, did I mention? BOSTON HATES UR CARS AND WANTS THEM DEAD.

And I'm not even talking about the Boston drivers who do indeed live up to everything you hear about them. I can handle them. I'm talking about the actual City of Boston plotting against you. Nor am I the only one who has noticed.

"Pay no attention to any sign that proportedly gives directions. They are only there to confuse the tourists."

"Never, never look for street signs. If you do find one, it is probably turned around." (If you do see a street sign it will either not be on your map or, even if it is, it will flat out lie. Boston reserves the right to rename any road at any time to anything without any notice, wherever and whenever, even if that name is already in use elsewhere.)

"Directions such as turn left, turn right, or go straight, are almost always useless since every intersection in Boston must have at least 5 points, none of which are left, right, or straight."

"If you miss your turn, never plan on circling the next block to get back. No two blocks in Boston are parallel." (And most are one ways going the wrong way.)

"Put away the street maps--they won't help. Follow your nose and you'll have better luck.
And last of all don't forget--the expression "You can't get there from here" originated in Boston."

i say

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