A pause in the holiday festivities:
This pirate show, OFMD. I've never seen it. Should I?
See, I was looking for a nice jacket and this image popped up
Which is an, "ok, what's going on there?" 🤔
And I do like that dressing gown. Etsy people will MAKE it for you
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1230018718/ofmd-pink-bird-velvet-banyan-fabric?click_key=7f403c74053caaf47f0be964eafceb50a4dce458%3A1230018718&click_sum=7438bc9c&ref=shop_home_feat_1&pro=1&frs=1 You could get it cheaper than $114, sure, but this seller's robe appears closest to the original. Plus offers a variety of colors and lengths.
Is the show any good?