
Jul 23, 2024 14:04

My workplace erupted, briefly, into a couple rounds of "let's go Brand**!" when the news of Joe hit.
A small percentage of the public, it's true, but certainly loud enough to be heard & understood.
In public.
That's where I live.

I told my family about it and they were confused. Only one knew the phrase meaning of "F U Bi***!" but not the source of it.
That's where they live.

So they were all excited cuz "the Repubs dont know what to do now!"

And I'm all, "she has the exact same record. They cross out his name & insert hers. What's so confusing?"
To myself cuz my fam don't get it.

Same day at work I got an earfull of well-off white males, "She's too stupid to be Pres cuz she laughs. Obama is GAY. Michelle is TRANS. Their children arent their children. Look at this ONE (FAKED) photo my friend sent. pROOF. THEY dont want you to know The Truth but I will wake you up. Nazis came over after WW2 and took over our government and pedophiles and and and..."

I'm honestly worried what the fringe is going to do IF she wins. Lose their damn minds is what.

The fringe are NOT the majority. They aren't even A majority but a small percent of a small percent is still more than 1 person. 99 others need to be alert.
"F*ck around and find out"


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