Sep 12, 2023 15:18
I accidently scheduled my hair cut & dentist on the same day. Wouldnt be a problem but then Cat had his emergency and in my panic to get him to the vet I forgot my hair cut.
Apologized profusely.
Realized it was during the week of my mother's birthday which I need to attend.
Rescheduled /again/ to the week after that.
During a phone conversation with mother she informed me that she has a function in the morning I would be visiting so No, come the week after.
I am not rescheduling my hair cut again. Do NOT piss off your hair dresser if you can at all help it. I'm already going to have to tip her more than her fee.
I have not yet told my mother that I am rescheduling /her/.
But I have a life too.
Petty? Yes. But I have a life and it is not /always/ possible for me to blithely rearrange on 3 days notice. Especially since her activity has been in her schedule for at least a month and she didnt feel the need to mention it. Birthday week. She rescheduled me without telling me.