
Mar 04, 2023 22:34

Re Watching "Farscape". Very good 👍 I still adore Chiana. It is funny that I think the actress is less...complex than her character? Maybe? But that's fiction for you!

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Caught an OLD "Family Feud" featuring Gilligan's Island vs Batman... I think I mentioned before? It is fun to see if the actors are as smart or dumb as we presume. Vincent Price is smart.
(I sense a theme regarding my ponderings of actors...)

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"Star Trek Contined". Australian (?) thing? Maybe? I dont know but they got some actors who look /vaguely/ like the cast and DAMN that set is AWESOME! All the lights and sounds too! I'm only a bit into the episode "Come Not Between Dragons" but the writing seems pretty akin to the original series. Same sort of pacing. I mean, it has a limited cash flow but it is an excellent attempt. I think I shall enjoy, if only to hear the old noises of the bridge. 😁

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