Apr 07, 2005 10:51
Ok...so I was going through some journals and all of a sudden I read this:
My neighbor locker is now empty....wonder if she's leaving or if she just moved (which would be sorta silly because it's already twoards the end of the semester-ish already...and she never sees me there anyway if she has some problem with me she didn't want to tell me about)....not like she goes to classes anyway so I guess if she leaves it's not really like we'll be missing much....out of 6 classes she goes to what, 3? Maybe? On a good week?...She went from caring about classes and school to like....maybe we'll see her on a given day....apparently school isn't important....whatever, if she wants to work a shitty job for the rest of her life that's her choice and I sorta don't care....*note: sorta a tad bit angry/upset on this one cause we go on break and we're talking and all of the sudden she doesn't even say hi to me.....so it's sorta like..."what did I do?" but I don't think I did anything so I think it's her and not me on this one*
What the fuck is up with that. It's her not me. That's fucking bullshit. If she wasn't so goddamn annoying I maybe would have still been her friend. I mean come on...do you really need someone to escort you to your locker or the cafeteria or the bus? And I love the whole thing about how she hates immature people. She should fucking talk! I'm almost 23...I think I''m definitely a liitle more mature then you are. And at least I'm making money...what does she do? Yeah she goes to school and she does work over the summer, but I'm sorry...I don't have mommy and daddy around to help me with my financial issues. AND...At least I can play my fucking instrument....AND...at least I can get laid if I wanted to. She's like a repellent. Even if she went lesbian, she probably couldn't get any. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole even if you paid me a million dollars in unmarked untracable bills. Ok...that's my rant for the day...