OK, this is my first attempt

May 06, 2009 20:04

at cross posting from my dreamwidth account. I'm still trying to figure it out, but I'm altogetherisi over here? there? as well, so please let me know your DW accounts. I'm also thinking about maybe trying to ship my tweets over, if anyone could explain that to me I'd be grateful.

I really should be kicking my revision up a notch, but I have got such a bug to write at the moment, I feel so restless doing anything else. Mainly I want to pin down the end of Imlie's third book, which remains slightly illusive, but I also want to write more LFA and have even been pondering writing a Merlin fic I had a really very persistant bunny for; it keeps popping up, tempting me with layers of magic and slashy boys. Hmmm. There's something very luxurious about thinking about writing, about quietly exploring ideas, without any of the stress of trying to express them coherently. Its like dreaming, having a lie in in bed and just dreaming. Mmmm.

Today at school, practically nothing happened. I'm only meant to have four out of eight lessons anyway, including a lie in this morning, but we lost double English to a whole school photo, so I had only one class, double Politics, and during that we discussed a past paper and watched a video. Aaaah.

But OMG that photo. Flisters may not realise, but I am insanely short, and thus was at the back of the lines/right at the top of the metal frame thing they made us all stand on. They told us to be ready to go out at 10.40am, ie after morning break, so we troop out to the field, and since we're Y13 we're put on the frame thing first, in the middle, and in my case, WAY up the top. We get put on the frame about 10.50. Most of the rest of the school isn't even out on the field yet, its just us and the junior school. And then, the rest very slowly join us. I would guess there's a bit more than 1000 people totally in this photo, and its so slow, and some of the really young ones that were so cute to watch line up are apparently incapable of kneeling correctly. We try a couple of Mexican waves, and get told off for being really dangerous and unsafe.

I stare at the other girls; us short people up the top discuss the freakishly tall Y8 and the Y7s who's skirts are totally inappropriate lengths, and also, blatantly rolled up. We count the sparse boys, comment on the dress choices of the staff, swear at the photographer who calls absolutely everybody "young lady" and constantly tells us over and over and over and OVER again to look between two heads. We worry that it will start to rain, that we've lost our name cards, we wish we'd brought our mp3 players, talked about the pregnancies of teachers, the uniforms we don't wear any more, the people that turned up late and had to be fitted in carefully so we didn't all have to get of the frame and start over.

Apparently some of the teachers thought it would be over by 11.20, in time for period 4. Er, NO. The didn't even take any photos until 11.45, and even then he kept going "1...2... stand up straight, hands down... 1... 2... right at the camera... 1... 2..." so we'd all smile and then get confused about when he was going to take anything. Took four eventually I think. Thankfully, got down by 12.05, but still spent over an hour standing on that frame, and then there was a bit of confusion because they were like, "ok, the Y13s can go" but us on the top row hadn't quite put our name cads in the box that was being passed along yet and we were like "PASS THE BOX, PASS THE BOX" in our desperation to get down off the frame and out of there.

My friend N, who was next to the girl, S, who was on my right, suggested we trade name cards, but I said no even though it might have been cute I guess. I hope after all that, the photos turn out OK, particularly because I missed out on getting a copy of the last one, so it would be good to get this one before I leave. I don't know whether she did it on purpose or not, but my friend T (E) who hardly ever turns up to school didn't turn up for this either. Cue rounds of "She doesn't even go here!"

In other news: can I just say please: Obama and Biden eating burgers? MADE MY DAY.  And y'know, made me want a burger.

Speaking of food, DINNER.

school, dreamwidth, love from afar, writing, rl, pondering, imlie's garden

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