May 19, 2007 07:31
Oh. My. God.
I was practically screaming with laughter last night- totally amazing show. And I was worried that I'd fall asleep before John was on it, but hell no... that woman was crazy... wonderful, hilarious and crazy. I'm gonna have to tape it tonight and watch it again to get more details, but in particular I loved how she kept saying John and ALW were partners and Jonathan [and I began to chorus with him in between bursts of laughter] "They're not together!"
Obviously, John was wearing stripes AGAIN- striped shirt [ok] and massively sriped suit [not quite so ok...]. You could understand the confusion as to whether he was with ALW, as throughout the interview John would kinda slide up and down the sofa, getting closer and then further away and then closer again to him. The interview itself covered Joseph and Doctor Who and just touched on Torchwood, but also musicals, Eurovision and lots on sex-- I would ADORE to see what they must have cut out, but unfortunately the repeat is not any longer...
There was also a clip of Utopia at the end- thoughts under the cut.
The clip showed the Doctor and Martha in the TARDIS with him explaining that they were stopping off to refuel on the rift in Cardiff, and that it should only take about 20 seconds. They briely touch on the Slitheen and the Doctor mentioned that "It was a lifetime a go. I was a different man then." And then of course, we see Jack running. He had a big pack on his back and was legging it towards the TARDIS shouting "Doctor! Doctor!"
And then it happened- something horrible that I really wasn't expecting. The Doctor was getting ready to leave, and glanced at a screen that showed Jack running and screaming toward them. And then he still pulled the lever to make them leave.
Now, this is just what I think I saw- I haven't read anyone else's journals yet, and I've only seen it the once, so I might have been mistaken. But if not... breath taking and heart wrenching moment.
We then saw the TARDIS start to leave and Jack jump at it--inside it appears to be hurtling to 100 trillion, the end of the universe-- and outside is Jck clinging on as it journeys and still shouting for the Doctor.
I'm not sure how-- or just if-- this would link up with Torchwood canon. The TARDIS ppered in the Hub at the end of The End of Days, and Jack was smiling as he stepped toward it. Now the TARDIS appears outside, perhaps on the Invisible Lift, and Jack, with massive bag, is running at it screaming and shouting. Hmmmm.....
But yeah, at the moment I am mostly concerned with the Doctor intentionally leaving Jack behind [well, trying to]. Im gonna go see what other people have been saying about it, and might post again if I eel like it.
barrowman out-gayed me,
jonathan ross,
andrew lloyd webber scares me,
doctor who