Dec 22, 2011 08:23
So the new LJ changes suck and are horrendous. I've been crossposting to LJ from my Dreamwidth of the same name for a while now, so I don't think I'm going to stop doing that, but if anyone on my LJ flist is thinking of coming over to Dreamwidth do friend me on there :) Or if you need an invite code I have a few kicking around that anyone is welcome to.
The marmfish meetup happened and was lovely and deserves a post of it's own, but just in case that gets pushed to side a bit I just want to say, well, that.
Oh god, it's nearly Christmas, and yesterday was completely wasted preparations wise because I was really tired and also somewhat irritable and grumpy and not in the mood to put up decorations or generally to get out of bed and my family are also starting to not be perfect and ohmigosh how dare they STRESS. But today I am feeling a bit better, calmer and more with it, despite ongoing organisational nightmares. Probably because I literally spent the majority of yesterday asleep. I woke up several times, but spent most of that awake time almost crying because I wanted to sleep. Until I woke up at 23.35 feeling refreshed and ready to go, lol oh dear. At least all the presents I ordered from the internet have all turned up with plenty of wrapping time, THANK GOD and the better than expected postal system.
My mind seems conflicted about whether today is a doing all the things day, or a writing all the words day. So... if the presents end up wrapped in fic, well, that'll be why.
marmalade fish