to get all excited and :D :D :D over.
aka I have calmed down enough over Doctor Who to write about it, still before I get joss'd to hell this weekend :P and also, just FINALLY caught up with season 2 of White Collar in time for season 3 to start... um, soon? I think? Who knows. Soon.
If you don't watch White Collar - well, why not? You are missing out. A lot. It's a really charming show. It has Matt Bomer's implausibly beautiful face. Conmen and FBI agents! Playful banter and fighting crime and suits and handcuffs oh my. Go watch it, it is lovely.
So I just saw the end of season 2, and basically, I am a very happy fangirl. I've been really enjoying catching up these last few weeks - apart from that one night when I thought Mozzie was dead and was all D: for like, a day, before I could bear to watch the next ep and then it turned out he survived and I was so so relieved and also kinda felt like an idiot. But yeah, apart from that, this show has been so happy making.
The women! The awesome ladies are awesome! I can't pick a favourite. OK, that's a lie, El is totally my favourite, but only because of the epicness of the utter OT3 that is Neal/Peter/Elizabeth, which is just so much better than Neal/Peter its amazing. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Peter and El have the perfect marriage, and not in a creepy Stepford way. Best married couple I'm seeing on TV hands down. And I think that's a serious reason fandom loves El instead of dismissing her and focussing on the slash - because the show includes her and fleshes her out as an independently awesome character, not just an add on, female accessory to Peter's character. She wasn't around so much while the actress was pregnant but I love so much that she's back properly now, that the show runners didn't think, huh we don't actually need this character. Because they do, because she is awesome. I would totally watch a spin off of her just going about her day, I love her that much.
But the other ladies! Are also very, very awesome. Diana, omg, how much do I love Diana. A whole lot OK. Lesbian POC kickass FBI agent YES PLEASE SHOW. The only thing that would make her better would be us actually getting to see her with her girlfriend sometime. Because obviously we see her non-whiteness and her kickass-ness and her intelligence and wit and yes her beauty and other types of excellence often times. She is not just as good as a male FBI officer, she's often better. I love her. I hope she continues kicking ass and taking names next season and beyond.
Alex, the conman. More than holds her own when running with - or against - Neal, and Neal is the show's special snowflake Superman, so that's impressive. Other characters are very good at their own specialities, but only Alex can compete with Neal at what he does. Plus, she's never been to prison - so maybe that makes her tally up better than Neal. Their chemistry is lovely, unforced and in tune with each other.
Sara! Sara grew on me SO MUCH - when I first met her I was like, whaaat who is this person why. But she too is awesome. Again, she's independent, very good at her job - retrieving stolen things for insurance or something, I forget, but basically, the legal other end of some of what Neal and Alex might get up to. Sassy and intelligent and interesting and just. Characterful! God I wish all TV shows had their women be even half as wonderful as these ladies. Screw it - Peter and Neal could disappear off on honeymoon or something and I would very happily love a spin off where these women just go around New York being awesome. Together, separately but meeting up sometimes to chat, it's all good. It could be the new SATC.
God, I would watch the hell outta that show.
Ahem. The actual show. That exists and I watch. Season finale. Right, yep yep yep.
Things that particularly delighted me:
1. That nobody died! Gah, I was really steeled for tragedy, after Kate and the near miss with Mozzie. And yeah, since I've been falling in love with the supporting cast more and more, any recurring character death would have me ;___;
2. The shipping. Obviously, Neal/Peter/El is my OT3 and would trump every other possibility, but I get that that is never gonna happen on the actual show... I think really I'm happy that the show has been slow about this stuff. I was saying the other day that I was so ready for Neal to be getting some, because hello implausibly perfect human specimen that he is, that shirt is not required. But for the character, it's great that they've given him some time to move past Kate (at least, a bit) and also, to actually build up rapport and UST with Alex and Sara (love triangle alert! :P ) I adore that Sara was somewhat forward with demonstrating her interest in Neal, at least as much as he was (girls hitting on guys FTW!) I love that Alex and Neal have history and chemistry and are simultaneously totally comfortable and confident and also unsure around each other.
BUT MOST OF ALL. I love that Alex and Sara had a chat, and got on, and each ship Neal with the other, kinda. So they are both interested, but don't know if it'd work out, and see the other as a better match for him, and kinda stepped back to encourage him to go after the other, but actually, in that way that means "I'd actually prefer if you picked me. JSYK." There is no hate, or angry jealousy. There are awesome ladies being awesome. Which is awesome.
LOL at Neal's "oh frick how do I find myself in this ridiculous situation I think it might be simpler to go back to being hung up on Kate at least I was the only one caught up in that drama" face, upon realising that apparently, hot, awesome, emotionally available relationships are totally like buses. The one you meant to catch blew up, and now there are two. Or something. That's how that goes, right?
4. The way they are shaping up for what I presume is coming in the next season, ie Neal's epic identity crisis. Which side of the law does he want to operate on? Between Mozzie's increasing comments about Neal becoming more and more suit-like, that he's not just showing off and making the most of his semi-freedom but is totally enjoying stopping bad guys for the point of stopping bad guys and Neal's enjoyment of having a (somewhat fake) badge to flash around... He still has all the instincts of the master conman, just he's also gaining the working with the FBI mentality. Combined with the stress Peter just put on their relationship by revealing the extent of his trust for Neal still isn't great, and bam, fascinating set up for character development.
The other reason I am currently a very happy flaily fangirl is, of course Doctor Who.
God, I just typed a massive great thing about Doctor Who and Dreamwidth ate it. I'll rewrite it in a bit I guess. But I am annoyed at you, Dreamwidth >:o