General update/specific memories

Nov 07, 2011 02:03

So David is 4 and Sara is 6 months old. Everything went well at checkups, 90th percentiles and above for height and weight. David played a season of soccer at a local church, and seemed to enjoy it, especially once he appointed himself goalie. Sara's sitting up assisted, and eating sweet potatoes, squash, pears, apples, and bananas, in addition to baby cereal. Need to introduce some new foods this week.

This weekend I went on the women's retreat for my church, which gave me enough time to realize I have not been studying my Bible (when I went to pack it, it still had papers from LAST year's retreat!), or even using my (pen and paper) journal for anything deeper than reporting the facts on my life or those around me. Probably the most introspective I got was when I went through therapy in college.

Taking Sara with mt to the retreat gave she and I some 'girl time' we don't always get when I am trying to juggle 2, she slept with me for nap yesterday and some of the night last night, which I of course wouldn't do all the time, but is wonderful every now and then. She also fell asleep wrapped in the Moby this morning, which she hasn't done in a while, I am trying to treasure these moments while she is so small ,because I know how quickly they will be gone.

After 24 hours of odd sleep, Sara crashed early tonight, leaving me with lots of David playtime. We must have spent a good 45 minutes in the back of my car, as a 'clubhouse' eating animal crackers & bell peppers, playing with clothes pins, him climbing in and out of the hatch. After dinner he made a 'robot' out of the cans and boxes in the pantry.
After that he took my suitcase and made an airplane out of the front foyer carpet, where he loaded all my travel gear and set a couple of chairs for us to be captain and co-pilot. Bathtime was bubble bath in my big garden tub, complete with the jets and a bubble fight. We also read the first few chapers of James and the Giant Peach. Minus the whining, I wish I could freeze him at this age forever :)
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