Aug 30, 2005 10:39
So packing is spazzing me out. Everytime I think I'm almost done there is more stuff hiding in some remote corner of the apartment that I forget about. So tomorrow I am taking the PM off work to do a run through of the apartment and make sure I can't even go pee w/o first unpacking the toilet paper.
I'm excited and nervous about moving all at the same time. It feels right moving in w/ Harry and Mike but it's also something I promised myself I would never do. I think it's because I have too much furniture and the apartment we're moving into is actually quite small. If I had less furniture it would be ok because then I wouldn't feel like I'm invading and taking over the entire apartment. Maybe I can make a quick trip back to Lacey to drop some pieces off before I make the hike back up to Hershey, PA to drop the truck off (7 hours driving total about). We'll see. I just want the move to go smoothly and be very time efficient since I only have my aunt's van from 7AM-11AM.
Work is slow this morning. I need to be up in Allentown, PA after 1pm and then I'm free for the rest of the day. More packing when I get home should bring the evening to a close. The fish tanks will be the hardest to move since they have fish in them and the water is at the correct pH, temp, etc. I hope none of the fish die in the move, that would be sad.
I have so many thoughts and worries right now is amazing. I found out that when I worry I sleep A LOT. I mean, I've been falling asleep any moment I am even remotely horizontal. I always thought stress and worries made people into insomniacs, not over-sleepers. I guess I'm just special. Anywho, I'm off to get a lunch and a nice long car ride to Allentown. Toodles.