
Feb 27, 2006 14:41

hmmm so yeah at school... nothingd happening... when i went to the camp fair fair it made me realize how much i really love that place. i was serously considering skipping a year as CIT and just going back next year as a counselor.

but wow. i really could not do that. i would miss it wayy to much. like... i dont think a day goes by w/o thinking about it and that is pretty sad haha but its the truth. i miss everyone there sooooo much, and i miss the barn, and just everything about camp in general.... except maybe the cold showers... but you dont really get too cold of showers at main camp, i think that was jsut an adventurer thing.

wow... that was a lot about camp
i could write a lot more but im not...

so today im going over to brookes house to study for our huge math test tomorrow that i am going to fail... wow... my math grade is dropping. i need to to my h/w more often lol

la dee da

k well katie jsut call me so im going to go out to the mall so i can call her back... kbye
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