The london stock exchange chose windows, but after 7 hours of downtime wishes they had chosen linux

Sep 09, 2008 13:33

Get the fuckts утверждает, что благодаря переходу с unix на платформу microsoft время реакции на события снизилась с 30милисекунд до 2х милисекунд /* TradElect enables the market to execute trades fully and resiliently in around ten millisecond. */. Система достигла высоких показателей доступности, безопасности бла бла бла базз шит базз базз шит шит шит... snip...
The new platform has been designed to the highest levels of resilience with comprehensive back up, which includes dual processing at two sites and recovery from component failure within a second.

А вчера лондонская биржа была недоступна в течении 7 часов - самого большого промежутка времени за всю историю. "Специалисты" microsoft до сих пор не могут понять в чем была проблема, и не знают как предотвратить рецидив.

See also:
Slashdot | The London Stock Exchange Goes Down For Whole Day
Microsoft Case Studies: London Stock Exchange
LSE TradElect system goes live |
London Stock Exchange crippled by system outage | Reuters

As is normally the case M$ threw lots of money at the exchange to get it to switch unix/linux base to windows net so that M$ can tout that a major exchange is running windows.

Full page ads touting the switch and the reasons they cited were better through put and better up time.

They even had ads touting it here on /.

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