Hi there, ElJay.

Dec 15, 2010 11:18

First posts are always so daunting. Every first post should contain:
  • An awkward introduction to no one in particular
"Hi there! I'm Caroline, my favourite colour is rainbows and I like horror movies, Anna Torv, bubble baths, and long walks on the beach!"

  • an oh-so-witty observation that another blog/presence on the internet is the last thing the blogger needs
"Even my cats have a social networking page."

  • a proposition of what said blog will most likely contain
"I'll most likely fangirl over the various shows I am way too emotionally invested in -- Bones, Fringe, and Rizzoli & Isles (even though it is honestly not very quality). You can expect (most likely infrequent) bursts of fanart, inappropriate fanfiction that will almost always be F/F, and occasional ~deep ~philosophical ~musings when I'm angry, weepy, or have just had the best day ever. Also caps lock, but that'll be exclusively reserved for fangirling or best-day-evers."

  • a casual suggestion of maybe you should "friend" this blog. Not too desperate, and offers containing sexual favours are frowned upon; because lonely, creepy humans have no friends.
"I think you should friend me. You're awesome and I'm awesome and then we can drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music and just sit around and soak up each others' awesomeness."

awkward first posts ftw

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