
Mar 03, 2010 22:53

For the quad horsies, not for me. Farrier came this morning and trimmed up their feet. Everyone was nicely behaved, except that Tess and Archie each snatched a hoof away from him once. He says Tess is doing well for this time of year. She's been having dry contracted hooves in winter ever since I got her, but apparently between a feed supplement the vet suggested and regular applications of Hooflex she is finally near normal. She's also much more relaxed about having her feet handled and worked on. It used to be a challenge just for me to pick out the bottoms, and now she stands nicely for the farrier and lifts her feet when asked. She just doesn't always like having them held for too long.

I confess that I enjoy holding her head for this. She gets very affectionate and licks and slobbers all over me. ;D Probably sounds yucky to most of you but you're not horse mad the way I am.

So warm today that some of the mud in the driveway actually started to dry. Not from evaporation, I think, but from the ground thawing enough for the water to sink in rather than lying on top of a frozen layer of ice.

What with having skipped a couple of furry conventions and no plans to attend any more, I had thought about going to a hand spinner's gathering. SOAR, the Spin-Off Autumn Retreat is going to be in Delevan, Wisconsin this October. It sounded pretty cool until I saw some preliminary information on it. A room for three days would run $450 or more, and that's just the room. Then there's event registration plus individual fees for workshops, meals, and supplies. That's certainly not happening for me. Much too expensive. For that kind of money I could almost go to Feral (which I can't afford either.)

horses, spinning, weather

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