Feb 18, 2010 18:35
It's a rampant disease that seems to strike primarily among the far right. Following the example of Timothy McVeigh, another lunatic has attacked a building in Texas. He did it by flying his private plane into the building kamikazi style, apparently because IRS offices were located there. *shakes head* Teabaggers are loonies. Too bad his name wasn't Muhammad or something so the right could blame him as an "Islamic terrorist."
Gasoline prices are once again behaving irrationally in this area. After a couple of months of wild fluctuations and absurd differences of as much as 21 cents/gallon between neighboring towns, today they are all the same. Literally, down to the last tenth of a cent. In order for this to happen, Harvard prices had to come down by 6 cents during the week, while Marengo prices went up by 12. There is no way to explain this by market or futures fluctuation, because those go only one way at a time. I suspect the price was fixed by mandate from the oil companies somehow.
Weather here was so warm today that puddles were forming on top of the old snow. This included puddles in front of Dutch doors on the barn where the horses go in and out. Sure enough, the water was drawn up between the bottom door and the sill where it froze, making it very difficult to open those to let the boys in this evening. I expect the same problem in the morning letting them out.
We are not, however, having the kind of flooding we had two years ago. That was fueled by record snow accumulations that melted all at once. This has been a repeated thaw and freeze that is ruining road surfaces but leaves our land relatively dry.
Found myself doing art memes on DA. Huh. I haven't done that sort of thing since... jeez... high school I think. Hope I'm not regressing already.