Fried day

Oct 16, 2009 23:35

Only because it was too long. Started at 4:30 am so I could get the chores done before meeting library staff for a birthday celebration breakfast before work.

Found out at the breakfast that the boss has announced her retirement to the library board last night. Not unexpected, but now it's official. No date set but sometime next summer. Last time a library director retired I was not able to live with the resulting shuffle and resigned my own job. This time is not allowed to be like that, as I must stay until next September in order to vest my retirement fund. And no, I don't want her job.

My last bunny, Lily, died today. She was nine years old. I knew she was declining, and the symptoms were kidney failure, probably Addison's as her fur started growing oddly shaggy in the middle of the summer and she began sleeping more and more. When she stopped drinking water this week I knew it wouldn't be long. She fell asleep while eating her cabbage leaf this morning, and I think that was the end.

Gary was in Chicago since yesterday, helping his mom. I met him for dinner out right after work and we went to Amy and Friends, a local folk music gathering at Amy and Ray Beth's that happens once a month except December. That was nice, and I got some spinning done while listening.

Now must [yawn] sleep. Possibly Trail of History tomorrow depending on weather.

pets, music, farm, work

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