15 seconds of fame

Sep 07, 2009 21:20

Somehow it doesn't feel like much, but it's still sort of giggly like having had too much champagne. I became an official "author" today, according to Amazon.

Here it is, complete with photo.

Yes, that's the real me hiding behind the bearded collie (whose name was Sarge, and he was father to my Simon.) Obviously, it's a few years old as the only gray is in my beard, and now the snow is accumulating on my head too. ;p

Thanks to Alex at Bad Dog Books for triggering this appearance, as it were. It's both amusing and kinda surprising to be named as one whose work was purchased along with that of Kyell Gold. Not that I think it means much other than that we both happen to write furry stuff, and there's not a lot of that on Amazon.

Today was a beautiful day, sunny and breezy. Tess went out in the morning and came in when the flies got bad. We went to Woodstock and had lunch on the square, then did a little shopping, but Gary still has a bad cold and grew tired quickly. I baked the promised apple pie, which we haven't yet cut into but we will. We went up River Road to Cody's Farm Stand, ostensibly to inquire about hay, but the hay man was out cutting. So we bought sweet corn, a canteloupe, and some zucchini instead. The corn was good, we had some for dinner along with steak(!) on the grill and baked potatoes to celebrate the spiritual end of summer. An inexpensive Australian shiraz went with the steak. (No, I don't often eat steak, but maybe a couple of times a year it's a celebration of some sort.)

And tomorrow? Back to work. At least it's now a short week.

writing, horses, weather, food, pets, books, cooking

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