This is sheer speculation, since I don't know what you actually take and I'm no pharmacologist anyway. But many decongestants and sinus dilators cause congestion elsewhere, apparently including the prostate gland. So on one paw, you have something that is trying to pump excess fluid out of your system, thus enhancing kidney action, but you also have something that enlarges the prostate a bit, putting pressure on the bladder. That's been my take on it, and my own experience seems to fit.
Ever notice that an orgasm feels different too when you've been taking those medications? ;p
Heh, not TMI but more than you needed to tell me. I'm honored at being confided in so frankly. Yeah, that would be an obstacle to perceiving what I mean here. But in any case, I think it does work that way. The medication is in part a diuretic, but also causes some swelling that puts additional pressure on your bladder, so naturally you want to make frequent visits to the loo.
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We need a photo of the chihuahua and shepherd curled up together. Talk about Mutt and Jeff... Now I suppose you'll tell me that's their names. ;p
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Ever notice that an orgasm feels different too when you've been taking those medications? ;p
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