Field trips

Aug 13, 2009 23:05

Well, the first one was more like a necessity. Dogs and cats to the vet. Shouldn't be a big deal (other than the money) except that Sarah gets so excited about going in the car that she bays and yelps all the way there. By the time we head home, she's so exhausted she falls asleep, though.

The usual stuff, blood tests, vaccinations. Simon is 13 and a half now, and losing his hearing and eyesight. He's had a couple of benign tumors removed in the past, and has more lumps. Sigh. They biopsied one today and said it's malignant. It's fairly large and though they think it's operable, I'm not so sure. There could be a lot of involvement. Or he could have chemo or radiation. I think not. It isn't hurting him yet. I'm inclined to spare him the pain of an extensive surgery that probably won't get rid of the cancer anyway. We may leave him alone until it starts to discomfort him, and then ... Now I can't see. Sorry. You know what I mean. He's been mine since he was a puppy, but typically beardies only get to 15 or 16 so I knew this was coming. We'll probably take him for a second opinion, but I think surgery is inappropriate.

Came back from the vet, did chores, then rushed up to Lake Geneva. Our friend Amy got us an invitation to see a private theatre organ installation in the building where her orchestra has been rehearsing. It was great. John has a huge stock of organ parts not yet installed, but one chamber is filled and working, plus some percussion and a couple of pedal stops in another area. A nice two manual console from a small theatre in Wisconsin, removed years ago, and he's the third owner since then if I counted correctly. It was really nice to hear actual pipes sounding, as I haven't been in a working installation in probably 12 or 13 years. He's not a bad organist either, and he was working on a '53 Buick when we arrived. Doing a full restoration...

That was a good distraction. Then in the car on the way back the radio was all full of people complaining and protesting about the health care reform package, and I got home and Simon was here to greet me. I'm still depressed, damn it.

pets, music

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