Sneeze day

May 31, 2009 22:21

Lessee, what happened today.

Well, mowing. Gary did a lot of it. I got to sneeze. Grass pollen does that to me, and because of the heavy rain we haven't been able to mow until now. The pasture grass is rank. Almost waist deep. It would make good hay if we had the equipment to do that, but we don't.

I fertilized the strawberries, which was a bit of a production because it took several trips between the house and the garden (about a thousand feet, or a fifth of a mile, each trip.)

Mosquitoes are out with a vengeance, but mostly biting Tess and Gary as usual. I think my skin temperature is lower, as I get fewer actual bites. Tess, being the warmest of the three of us, attracts them like a magnet pulls in iron filings. Her normal fly spray doesn't seem to repel them, and I think she needs something that will do that. I don't think DEET is recommended for animal use, so human repellents are for the most part ruled out. Maybe citronella will help if I can find some.

At least at the moment, this lot of skeeters will have some trouble finding water in which to breed. But there's rain on tap for the next few days, so that could change. We're seeing a lot of (ugh) ticks too.

Heard from the neighbor across the road that they have a fox with at least one kit hiding out under their gazebo. Now we know where she's denned up and that there is a kit. Once she starts taking the tod out to teach it, we'll likely see her as in the past two years.

And that's about it for today.

wildlife, gardening, farm

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