Collision warning--end of week imminent

Sep 11, 2008 21:52

Busy day, soggy weekend predicted.

There's got to be a big lesson in that silly business about United Airlines "rumored" bankruptcy causing its stock to tank, losing (undoubtedly) millions of dollars for investors. But when the truth comes out someday, will we learn that it was a deliberate manipulation? Someone better look and see just who was shortselling like crazy as the stock went down in flames...

So the GOP is all up in arms about Obama's statement that "you can't put lipstick on a pig" but of course, the barrage of screechy negative ads emanating from their general vicinity doesn't exist.

Face it folks, the US economy is in the crapper, and it wasn't 9/11 that did it, but rather the idiotic monetary policies that started during the Reagan administration. It's time to raise interest rates back up to where they belong even if the corporations scream bloody murder because they can't finance their executive jets and thousand dollar a plate luncheons any more.

Went to the garden to check whether more zucchini had inflated overnight. None had, but the pole beans are coming in with a vengeance. I hadn't taken a container with me (who needs a bucket to carry a footlong zucchini or two?) so brought back as many beans and snow peas as I could carry in my hands, which was actually quite a lot but didn't exhaust the available supply. Oh, and exactly one okra pod. But I'm sure there'll be more. Had stir fried veggies and rice for supper. *pats tummy*

weather, garden, politics

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