Roaring winds and little birds

Apr 26, 2008 21:20

How do they do it anyway? I mean, those little tiny birds flitting around out there when the wind is gusting to 45 mph and holding on at a steady 30 or 35? That's how it's been for much of today. At least it was sunny, but nowhere near as warm and pleasant as Wednesday, or even yesterday when it was rainy.

Spring birds are here. Finches gold and red, chipping sparrows, white throated sparrows, song sparrows, robins. Today I saw the first rose breasted grosbeak, but no orioles or hummers yet. All of them seem completely unconcerned by the winds that ought, by rights, to blow them into the next county or crash them into trees and buildings.

One bird didn't make it through the day, though. We haven't actually seen the fox since about Tuesday, but this afternoon I found a pile of chicken feathers in the middle of Tess' pasture. By color, they were from one of the Brits' chickens, but by location I'd say the chicken didn't get there under its own power. The fact that there were still a couple dozen feathers lying there in the grass that hadn't yet been blown away by these persistent winds says to me that the feathers were quite recently deposited. Like maybe in the last hour or two. So the fox is still hunting right around here, even if she and her kits have moved to a different location.

Tess was eager to get out, after being trapped inside by rain the last couple of days. Once we got into the woodlot, though, she wasn't exactly happy with the roaring wind. I had to work to keep her focused and under control, but we're getting so we understand each other better I think. She was very snorty by the time we got through the pasture gate, but she waited for me to take the lead off and step back before she took off kicking up her heels for a gallop. (Thank goodness.)

Glad I wasn't on her back just then. I've stuck on horses before who just ran like that, but it's not my cup of tea. I prefer a much more sedate pace. ;p

wildlife, horses, weather

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