Fleeces 2007
Freshly sheared, here they are lined up waiting for us to skirt them and bag them up. We are getting to where we have a nice color variety, though it isn't entirely obvious here. Clockwise from upper left: Salt (white), Jetta (pale gray), Ba-ba-Louie (black), Shaun (white), Ram-bo (charcoal), Dodge Ram (white), She-bah (black).
Family portrait 2007
After the deed was done. Back row from left: Ewe-genia, Shawn, Dodge, Salt. Front row: Ram-bo, Ba-ba-Louie. Camera shy (hiding at the other end of the enclosure): She-bah and Jetta.
Bagged fleeces
Skirted and packaged up for now, here a six bags full. Ba-ba-Louie, the lamb fleece, is smaller and almost hidden in back. She-bah is not included because she had pulled a lot of her wool this winter so I didn't save the fleece.