Show set up

Oct 02, 2006 18:31

So, I did get everything done in time, though I lost a couple of hours of sleep last night and will be passing out early tonight to compensate. I even got the Wensleydale singles plied this morning after concluding there wouldn't be time for it.

Checking in items at the gallery and then arranging the display was hectic as usual. I was there from 9 am until 4:30 pm, with a break for lunch. Weaving entries were up almost double from last year, after a concerted effort by the weavers to encourage more participation. (Last year the spinners had more entries than the weavers, which the weavers found embarrassing, though most spinning entries were just skeins of yarn or small items like mittens.) Spinning entries were down from last year's high of 78 to only 47, but we had more completed items like shawls, scarves, and hats to display, which had been my campaign for this year. There is a lot of very nice stuff, and anyone in the Northern Illinois or Southern Wisconsin area with an interest in fiber art should make the trip to see. The show is at the Old Courthouse Art Center, on the west side of the square in Woodstock, Illinois. Gallery hours are 11 am to 5 pm Thursday through Saturday, and 1 pm to 5 pm on Sunday. Opening day is this Thursday, October 5, and the exhibit will run through the last Sunday of the month. Admission is free. Opening reception on Sunday, October 8, will include refreshments and live music, jointly presented with the clayworkers across the hall.

Got home to find that a box had arrived from my roving swap benefactor. It contained a pattern for Gansey styled socks, a dark chocolate bar, a nice brass shawl pin that would be suitable as a brooch for a kilt, and a large ball of lovely soft roving striped in shades of brown, tan, and white. Photos later, perhaps. Right now I need to rest up from the strenuous weekend. I had no idea I could get "bicycle cramps" from treadling the loom and spinning wheels, but I am very sore now.

Oh, and it was a pretty day with blue skies and little puffy clouds until just before sunset. Now we are getting thunderbolts and more spatters of rain. In fact, we cut short a harvest trip through the garden because of the threatening thunder, but brought in several more large zucchini, a lot of cherry tomatoes, and a hefty butternut squash. Yum. Time for dinner.

gardening, spinning, weather, fiber

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