Aug 31, 2011 20:34
It's strange to have friends in real life. I kid you not. There was a point in my life when the only friends I recognized were online friends from as far as Spain (Hi, chris!). But a bond was formed with people online and I really had no life to speak of here. I suppose one can't live forever in seclusion. I had to get a job. The horror!
I had promised myself to be distant. There is NO WAY they would understand why I enjoyed man-on-man love.
But, much to my surprise, you can form bonds here in real life too. I have friends. I can honestly say they are people who I enjoy spending time with and who I care for. I cry when they cry. I get angry when they're upset. I buy them stuff <--that is the best indication of friendship in my book. *LOL*
They're still unaware of yaoi and slash but they also have a great enjoyment of beautiful men.
My latest obsession? Strangely enough, I'm really getting into Arthur/Eames (Inception). Isn't that just the nuttiest? The fact that the actual actors do not really seem to have a fondness for each other does not deter my love for the pair. It's all good as long as I have fanfiction (and all those lovely lines from the movie). I can never get away from Fandom! I love the INTERNETZ!!! Keep me crazy!
Anyway, I don't really use this LJ anymore do I? I don't think anyone that I used to be "friends" with are here anymore either. Everyone is on tumblr or facebook or something. I used to have a facebook. Got rid of that pretty quickly. *LOL* I'll stay with LJ. I'm loyal to the Crazy like Arthur. XD
I lost my photoshop btw. I'm a bit upset about that because I want to make JGL icons. He's just lovely.
I wonder why I'm suddenly posting again. One of my RL friends did say I should start a blog. *LOL* So let'!
BTW, what are people's thoughts on tumblr?