Title: i sing the body electric (and it sounds like oasis)
Fandom: Red vs Blue
Pairings: Delta/Wash, North/York/Carolina, mentions of South/Connie.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Alarming amounts of fluff of both the romantic and platonic variety, repeated threats of death by Warthog, drinking, and South Dakota's names for anything that pisses her off (also space lesbians, polyamorous relationships and AI/human romances, though not all by the same people).
Notes: There may be way too many song references in this. The fic itself may also partially be a mere excuse for me to mention North and the alien. Link redirects to AO3, because the idea of wrangling LJ formatting for a three-part fic makes me want to wail.
In which Delta has feelings, everyone is a wingman, and Wash is, surprisingly, not run over with a car.
(Alternatively, Project Freelancer is a soap opera in space.)