(no subject)

Feb 11, 2007 01:30

On the few occasions I've come across this Motor Week, I am always amazed....well rather suspicious really. It's like the time I saw an infomercial for "doggy-steps" (literally a block in the shape of a three step staircase, to give your pet easy access to your couch, bed, car...etc etc.) The point is I keep on wondering if it's a joke, certainly looks legit enough, but my eye always trails to the bottom right hand corner of the screen for the "comedy central" logo...no it's never there.
My question is, how did a show like motor week even get started, the entire half hour is a huge series of car commercials, all I see are clips of cars driving at ridiculously legal speeds through nice scenery. More importantly, the completely bland tone of the narrator is probably comparable to spending the half hour with a loaf of bread. My favorite part was when he introduced the interior of the Audi TT with its brand new makeover that included this...this this....and the "focal point of which is the flat bottom steering wheel." Yes, they mostly took a circular steering wheel and "flattened" the bottom quarter or so. Yes, the exact words used were "focal point." Is there anyone at all who actually enjoys this show, and if so, do tell me if there's some impossibly advanced humor somewhere in there. I've given this show a few tries and they seem to have gotten the idea that you can host a motoring show with absolutely no criticism....of any car, any aspect of a car even, in fact every episode is a book of praise, no activities are every done with the any cars in question, in fact, nothing at all. I've never actually seen the host make physical contact with any of the cars he speaks about.
Their car of the year? The Honda Fit. While I might be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt (I've never driven a Honda Fit), they certainly did a terrible job of selling it since the description did not differ whatsoever from the rest....praise praise praise.
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