The Scroll of Perfection

Oct 04, 2012 18:26

There are several words in this that I cannot write.  Capital letters shall take their place.

Even now, repeating these words still makes me tremble.

I am Charta de Sublimis Silentium, the scroll that does exist by will of the Charta, the scroll that does exalt Perfection.

What is there in all of creation that does not strive for perfection? Behold, for in finding perfection one shall discover their true self, the form and purpose they must be. Perfection allows us both the ability to alter creation as we may and the wisdom to know when and how this should be done. Perfection and mortal flesh are one in this place, and the will of Y echoes within my voice.

Embrace now this truth, and hold it close to your heart. Perfection is attainable. This alone in the purpose of the Charta, from the earliest whisperings of Time onto the final echoes of creation forevermore, this is the ultimate truth. Many a path shall lead here, many a journey shall be taken on many a different road, but in the end, all journeys shall lead to the same goal. Seek perfection in all things, and perfection you shall achieve.

Squander not this truth.

Nunc praebeo hoc obduco cupio contraho
Probare meus voluntas insignis huc intro locus fragosus
Nunc probo phasmatis ut est usus per prothoplastus existere sublimes
Nunc probo novus ortus venio ad haec locus apscondita
Z est mortuus iam quod eternum, quod ego nomen es sic per meus vox quod cruor sanguis mortalis
Permissum iam, en sublimes silentium, eum tristis fabula terminus

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