Colour meme

Oct 18, 2006 08:55

-Closest red thing to you?: Bithday card
-Last thing that made me angry?: To be told I was a thief (Bakers Delight guy)
-Do you have a temper?: Not usually
-Last warning you were given?: Don't sell drugs
-Ever been in love?: Yes
-Are you a fan of romance?: Yes, though I doubt it's traditional

-Closest orange thing to you?: Mobile phone holder
-Do you like to burn things?: Yes, fires are nice
-Dress up for halloween?: No, I don't like dress-ups
-Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: Not really
-Do you have anything against ginger hair?: Nope
-Are you usually full of energy?: Only when something interests me

-Closest yellow thing to you?: Packet of Lorastyne
-The happiest time of your life?: Law
-Favourite holiday?: My working holiday at Landmark just post-Christmas
-What makes you smile?: An amusing plan
-Are you a coward?: Yes
-Do you burn or tan?: Tan

-Closest green thing to you?: USB/Keyboard adaptor
-Do you care about the environment?: Not immensely
-Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Yes
-Are you a lucky person?: Nope
-Do you always want what you can't have: Regularly
-Do you like being outdoors?: When it's moderately sunny, or there's a pleasant chill

-Closest blue thing to you?: Cushion
-Are you good at calming people down?: Sometimes
-Do you like the sea?: No
-Last thing that made you cry?: Cold wind on the way to uni
-Are you a logical thinker?: Yes
-Can you sleep easily?: No

-Closest purple thing to you?: Highlighter
-Like being treated to expensive things?: Treated?
-Do you like mysterious things?: Understanding them, yes.
-Favourite type of chocolate?: White
-Ever met anyone in royalty?: No
-Are you creative?: Not really, only when inspiration strikes

-Closest pink thing to you?: Post-it note
-Are you gay/bisexual?: No
-Do you like sweet foods?: Yes
-Like play-fighting?: Only for real *must finish AC game*
-Are you sensitive?: Not really
-Do you like punk music?: No, it's not interesting

-Closest white thing to you?: Plate
-Would you say you're innocent?: Yes
-Always try to keep the peace?: When I see a reason to
-How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one: Full of paranoia
-Do you like to play in the snow?: Not immensely
-Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: No, since they're either relatives or long-term family friends

-Closest black thing to you?: Light
-Ever enjoy hurting people?: Mentally
-Are you sophisticated or silly?: Sophisticated
-Afraid of death?: Somewhat, the consequences aren't too appealing
-Would you like to go to space: Yes, though other planet's is more appealing
-Do you have a lot of secrets?: Plenty

*As the day draws to a close...*
-What is your favorite color?: Green
-Does the color you wear affect your mood: No, it affects other people's mood
-What color are your bedroom walls?: White
-You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colors?: Harmonizing, though I end up wearing contrasting
-Do you like to paint?: Only models, and then only occasionally
-What color do you think best symbolizes your personality?: Black
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