i am an idiot

May 09, 2005 06:07

sometimes i make assumptions and do the most retarded things ever
sometimes i treat my friends like such utter shit that i wonder why they even remain my friends instead of just killing me
today was one of those times
i feel so bad, i dont think this person understands how bad i feel about this, how sorry i am about this, and how much i wish it had never happened
i dont think there is anything i can do to make it any better, or anything i can do to make this person understand how sorry i am
all i can say is im sorry and that i will do my best to never let it happen again

today derek gin and i went cruising for a good long while
we found out that jurassic park connects to kneeland and doesnt end in some swampy quicksand like i had previously thought
sigrid and i had driven through jurassic park but at some point my car started to get bogged down in the mud, this was before it was fixed so i didnt want to lose power and get stuck in the mud so we had to turn back, had we continued down that road we would have ended up right next to some very nice goats near a podunk post office that was really someones house
derek bought me food and gave me 20 bucks for gas, hes the nicest guy ever, today was a lot of fun
ginny also rocks my panties because even though she was extremely upset all day she still hung out with us and made us fat kids feel good about us by giving us the company of such a hot chick

i just spent the last hour and a half wandering aimlessly, after making above mentioned mistake i felt that i needed to make what little reparations i knew how to, and after this was done, it was like 5am, and of course there was no parking in the retarded parking lot, thats one of the things i hate about this place, it really makes me want to get the fuck off this campus, i cant fucking wait for friday, itll be the end
so i drove around the parking lot hoping a parking space would mysteriously appear, none did, and i had to piss so i drove over to the sbs building and pissed there, cause i found out that building is open 24 hours so people can come see the cops, so after pissing there i circled the parking lot once again, and failed once again, so i went cruising alone and had a cigarette while bumping the kill bill soundtrack, when i returned i once again circled the parking lot still to no avail, and so returned to the sbs parking lot defeated, by this time the rain was coming down hardcore, cause im a dipshit
so i ended up taking about a half hour to walk back in the rain because my sandals have no traction whatsoever on them and i was constantly deathly afraid of slipping and dying on the cold wet concrete
so now im back in my room
still feeling like shit
only now im cold, wet, and exhausted

today was really awesome, yet incredibly shitty at the same time
im a bad friend
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