I got this from
grain_damaged 15 Years Ago (July 1996), :
1. I was 15, living at home in Hamburg with my parents.
2. I had a mad crush on a boy who of course had no time whatsoever for me except when it came to copying my homework. He sat next to me for the year in class (we had a fixed classroom with allocated seats, for everything except natural sciences and art/music). Last time I saw him he was kind of short and nondescript.
3. It was the end of the first year in a new class. I'd 'broken up' with my best friend from before and made a new best friend who was more into being a teenage girl etc. - the 'ex' was more tomboy like. I am now still friends with both of them, although not super close to either.
10 Years Ago (July 2001), :
1. I was 20 and in a dead-end relationship that I didn't realise was dead-end for another two years. Best to get these things out the way in one's teens and early twenties I suppose. This man has instilled in me a lifelong wariness of indecisive shy people with a nervous laugh who suck away all my energy and give nothing in return.
2. Those were my last days as an aupair in Paris, and I was getting tired of it. We went to Grenoble for a holiday where it was hot, sticky and I had to sleep in a windowless boxroom. The room was also doorless, so I got to hear ALL the bedroom activity of my aupair parents and their sister (in law) and hubby who we were staying with. Joyous.
3. I was preparing to move to Scotland for my undergrad degree and was panicking about this possibly being the worst idea of my life.
5 Years Ago (July 2006)
1. I was 25
2. I was in the middle of writing my Masters dissertation in Translation Studies in Manchester, in a very hot summer, hanging out with Sue, Zelda and Lauren a lot.
3. I was being messily dumped, and had also just met D. It was a confusing time and I didn't behave admirably throughout it. By the end of August things had calmed down.
3 Years Ago (July 2008), :
1. I was 27
2. That time I was finishing my first year report for my PhD, it seemed like a massive deal then, and I suppose it was. I now fail to see how I ever struggled with something as small as that. Suppose this means I've progressed.
3. I went on holiday to Cornwall, it was ace.
1 Year Ago (July 2010), :
1. I was 29 and had just moved in with Freaky Eileen of Nice Balance fame in Edinburgh.
2. Varia and I went to a big fancy world congress in Stockholm, I had prepared like a maniac due to panic about it, and my paper went brilliantly. Stockholm was nice too. Our hostel wasn't.
3. The month of weddings, including John's wedding. A great day and in some ways the end of an era. I'm not even sure why.
Yesterday, :
1. We had a walk and picknick in Alderley Edge. It was warm enough to lie on the grass and watch clouds.
2. BBQ dinner at M&F's house down the road and fun times with their children.
3. I was sad to find out that one of my favourite administrators at uni has died unexpectedly. I was quite fond of her - no nonsense person, always helpful, and remembered my name and what department I was from even though I'm just a lowly tutor. Odd to think she won't be around.
Today, :
1. We're fetching building and gardening stuff from B&Q to do things in the garden and the garage.
2. I need to fix my bike tyre... wish me luck!
3. We're having salmon for dinner, just looked out a recipe for it.
Tomorrow, :
1. If the bike is fixed, I'm biking to the library and doing work there. Otherwise train to Joule library in town. I'm done with this whole walking 45 mins every morning to main library. Tsss
2. I might do some knitting and sewing
3. But only if I do enough work...
In a week,:
1. Moreof the same. It's all work work work on the damn thesis
2. I will probably go up to Edinburgh at some point soon and see supervisor...
3. Maybe our pea plants and bean plants will have gone somewhere
In one month (August 2011),:
1. Thesis panic will be even more intense as the deadline gets closer.
2. D's birthday, I have crafted a present already, but need to get something else. I'm not sure what.
3. Edinburgh festival fringe.. I will probably be up for at least one weekend, there are various shows I want to see, also to plan Iona's hen do. And more supervision meetings I suppose.
In one year (July 2012),:
1. I hope to have found some gainful employment
2. I hope D and I will have been to Japan in spring to visit our friend there (depends entirely on me finding said gainful job)
3. Not sure what other plans I have til then...
In five years (July 2016),
1. If I'm ever going to have children I hope to have got cracking by then.
2. Maybe we'll have moved elsewhere. We wouldn't mind going to America for a few years.
3. A nice job would be good but as long as we're healthy and getting by I'm happy.