Nov 07, 2009 12:11
After Army Of Lovers, after Vacuum, after Alcazar and after Bodies Without Organs (BWO)... Alexander Bard is working on a new 2010 band !
We are the first to announce it in the world, Alexander Bard is working on a new band that will be called Gravitonas ! The sound of this new band will be electro/rock, darker and deeper than the previous Alexander Bard bands. Gravitonas will be fronted by the singer Andreas Öhrn. Alexander is producing the album together with Henrik Wikström, who also co-wrote and co-produced "Love Came Crashing Down" and "Shoot From The Heart" with him for BWO. Everything else about Gravitonas is secret for now.
But BWO fans don't have to be worry cos BWO are stronger and more enthusiastic than ever and they intend to get together and write for the next BWO release after Alexander finished with the Gravitonas debut album next spring. But they are in no hurry as "Big Science" is such a strong album with several more singles to come... So Alexander is still the leader of BWO for a long time!
Від себе. Скоже, Леонардо да Вінчі нашого часу нарешті збирається знову серйозно зайнятися музикою, закінчивши трилогію соціально-політичних праць щодо постмодерного світу. BWO - це поп-проект, не без вдалих пісень, але занадто попсовий як для мене. А от рок, та ще й темний... Хочеться вірити, що це буде якоюсь мірою реінкарнація _того_ Vacuum. Тепер я чекатиму весни зі ще більшим нетерпінням. This piece of information made my day )
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