I've more or less given up animation for the time being, because I am so stuck into my written sf WiP.
I am currently down to sleeping every other night, and doing writing all nighters on the ones I stay up.
The story is still coming along, although I have been writing more outline and skip-ahead scenes than pushing the current 'last written bit' further.
I have switched critique groups. My previous crit group was great but delivered the stories/chapters into my email account, which had the effect of making one part of my brain label them 'chores' and they weren't getting done.
So I switched to sff.onlinewritingworkshop.com where its a custom web interface. This works much better for me, and I have knocked out a few reviews, some of which seemed to go down well.
One story I have been reviewing bits of:
http://www.geocities.com/venom68114/BCchapters.html ...although I'm not sure that is the same version.
I sent my prologue/chapter1 in and got some useful crits. It was in a bit of a sorry state, mostly because it included the original ideas in sketched out form, from when I first started it.
But the chapters best bit got noticed and commented on and it was liked yay! :)
So I've now got no prologue/synopsis, and another scene to write.
I am especially happy with my 'female' character, who is turning out ok in my head at least; no reviewers have read her parts yet. I've got quite a few points built up, so I may put up several pieces at once when I do upload.
Don't know why tf I'm writing this journal, I am pretty sure it has a readership of one, but its obviously filling some kind of role here.
Its a nice day, I gotta go see teh meatspace.