
Jan 23, 2010 17:24

 The past few days have been really odd.

On Wednesday after I got in from school me and my mum got in an argument and between 5 o'clock at night and 8 o'clock the next morning we said around 20 words to each other.

And then Thursday was horrible.
I play violin and I had my lesson halfway through Maths which I have 3rd period on a Wednesday. I can never really be bothered playing and I felt even less like playing after the situation with my mum so I made up the excuse that I had a headache. My instructor is really gullible and believed me straight away and even said that I looked paler than normal, she also let me sit down while playing which is a rarity. While she was away finding an easier piece of music for me to do for my exam I was sitting down when my head started thumping. Karma was being a bitch so fro the rest of the day and after school I had to put up with a huge headache and everyone wondered what was wrong because I wasn't my normal hyper self.

Yesterday it was my English teacher's last day at our school and we had her 1st period. She loves us all and calls us her "once in a lifetime class" and because of this she gave us each a book which she thought we would enjoy reading. I got "The Conjurors Bird" and I don't know how she worked out I liked mystery and romance but that's what the book is about so I'm ecstatic! She also gave each of us an award; mine was for my enthusiasm, that word "enthusiasm" haunts me I've had it written on all my reports and such like since I started high school and I get scared by how much people describe me with it. Our English teacher - now ex English teacher - let us miss our 2nd period class because we convinced her that core classes (PE, Religion or personal and Social Education) don't really matter so she made her 1st year class squash up at the back of the room while we got all the attention and then at the end we all got a hug and it was really nice, I'll miss her because she knew exactly how far to push us all and no matter what grades we achieved she knew we could improve and gave us praise even if it was a bad score we got.
After school me and a couple of my [also unwilling] friends had to go down to this river to get a safety talk and demo since we're doing our level 2 John Muir award and I almost died many times because I was wearing my converse and it was incredibly icy. We ended up having a good laugh though, mostly at one of our teachers who looked like a gnome from a distance thanks to her awful taste in hats :L

Last night my brother, Kyle, and I watched quite a bit of season 6 of The X Files, it's our only shared interest apart from Indiana Jones, so we sat around in the living room when our parents went to their beds with a box of Lidl's Choco Moons which should overtake the world with their awesomeness, and just giggled and squeed at Mulder and Scully :) We finally went to our bed at 1 which is early for us but I was really tired so I didn't wake up until about half eleven this morning. 
Then I went down to Tesco with my parents where I bought their wonderful value tortilla chips - only 25p for a bag - and saw my old classroom assistant who has grown more into a friend and we constantly mock each other. Then got home to find Kyle was watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull so I sat down with a cheese toastie (Y) and watched that with him, then did some revision for my English prelim on Monday and now I'm on my computer listening to music and thinking of some fanfiction to write :)

*deeply breathes out* after that long post!

life, english, tv: the x-files

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