2012 Fic Meme

Jan 06, 2013 01:19

Total Wordcount for 2012: 61 437 words

January 2012: 1778 words
23 ways to love Kazuya [Various Gen, 1778w]
I remember this as being an "emergency piece" that I had to write for a birthday. Since the birthday girl loves Kame, I decided that I would make Kame happy (which would somehow in turn make her happy #logic). It turns out to be 23 litle snippets of people (in JE) being nice to Kame. There really isn't much plot, but it does make me happy writing about people spoiling Kame because, that boy has been working so hard/been through so much etc. It sucks that sometimes I see him looking so lonely.. /shuts up

February 2012: 0 words

March 2012: 7887 words
Style Redefined[Nakamaru/Kame, 7249w]
My first exchange fic (for capslock_turtle)! (Technically I signed up for FTF first, but whatever). I had Kame as a model in this one and worked in the weight/height issues among other things. It's one of my own favourite fics of mine too, simply because it is really just me, writing about why I love Nakamaru/Kame and the sort of comfort that Nakamaru can give Kame in the midst of all the bad things happening. It's kind of fluffy, I guess, but I have always loved a nice fluffy story. It's not elaborate at all either, just a simple story. Another thing about this story is the amount of handholding I have gotten from Isa and Joo. Without them, I don't think I would have even ever started writing anything. So here's a shout out of love.

Comfort [Jun/Nino, 638w]
My first Matsumiya fic! Well it's a drabble and PWP but still. I am always a little worried that my PWPs are out of character but it seems that the porn tends to.. cover the inadquecies that is my character building. This little drabble/ficlet does show something about what I feel about Matsumiya's dynamics though. The thing about them, to me at least, is that they understand each other very well and what they need without having to say it. It's that sort of unspoken understanding that drew me to the pairing in the first place as well.

April 2012: 4165 words
A Day (or Two) In Nakamaru's Life [4165w]
This was my entry for FTF 2012. I don't know what to feel about this one. I don't remember putting a lot of effort in it orz. I remember Courtney (my recipient) liking it a lot and there were a lot of other bands involved. I think the main idea that I worked with while writing this one is KAT-TUN manning/opening a shop and everyone (from other bands) visits them. There is a lot of bantering among the boys, but yet, when they need help/support, the other members will be there. This is really KAT-TUN for me and thus the focus of the piece. Oh and ninja Kame/Jun because I am a biased person.

May 2012: 5951 words
Love your Enemy [Ryo/Shige, 4884w]
My one and only Ryoshige.HAHA. I pretty much signed up for Mini_ryo 2012 riding from the high of kamex and regretted it immediately because I only know about Ryoface superficially. You can tell that that is when my Arashi-madness started because of all the Arashi references in the fic (the store that I set the AU in was owned by Arashi, for goodness sake). I always found this fic a little hollow but fun to write. I remembered having a lot of problems because I am just not that into Ryo/Shige (I love them and I read a lot of fics about them) and my imagination just can't stretch as far compared to other pairings. And all the short jokes! I cracked up while making them.

Dealing with Failures - Nino Style [Jun/Nino, 1067w]
Again, porn piece. Jun and Nino gives me all the porny ideas, I swear. Anyhow, in a way, this is a companion-ish piece to Comfort which again builds on the Jun understands Nino and vice versa without words thing. Both this and Comfort, while a little lacking in the characterization bit imo, hints at a deeper relationship. Of sorts. This one in particular hinges on one my personal beliefs (and I think already proven) that Jun is terrible at getting over failures.

June 2012: 4632 words
Performance [Jun/Nino, 888w]
Beautiful World concert inspired. Because SHAKE IT. And tons of twitter speculation with Riri. And I totally didn't plan for Arafest to happen which kind of made them dancing to each other's solos a reality (okay only Nino dancing to Shake It, but never mind). Again, pure porny bits.

The Bright Pink Post-It [Nakamaru/Kame, 3744w]
My AUx 2012 submission. Wow I totally rushed this piece out. And I have always felt a little inferior writing this piece because AUx is supposed to be all about world building and crap like that - not my stupid little modern AU. This fic always goes down my memory as a coding nightmare. In the ideal version, the previous timeline is supposed to be aligned RIGHT. But there isn't this option anywhere, so I had to make do. It is really hell changing coding for every single paragraph. Editing was a bitch because of the changing tenses too. It was also very taxing to handle pretty much two stories in one. I had to manage the timelines and make sure they fit in nicely, adding and taking out scenes so that it flowed nicely. I think I spent a lot of time doing all these arrangement, possibly even more than just sitting down writing the fic.

That said, I really enjoyed the parallel timelines idea as well as the source materials - MR Brain (the ep with sato takeru) and The Professor and The Housekeeper (the book) that it came from because I have always wanted to write something about someone who cannot remember things. In a way it's an amnesia story but I am more interested in the idea that everytime they meet, the patient has to re-introduce him or herself (for amnesia you just don't remember the past, but you remember the new memories you make). I am glad to have written this, although I have always felt like I have not done justice to the idea itself because surely, there is more emotional struggle on Nakamaru's side than this. So yes, this is one of the very memorable fics of the year for me.

July 2012: 0 words

August 2012: 1865 words
August basically the month where I took out some of my old drabbles that was written in the first half of the year and reposted.

Untitled (where Nino begs) [Jun/Nino, 727w]
I do believe I have Riri to blame for this again. Because, there was this twitter conversation about Nino begging..... (AND YES IT IS MATSUMIYA PORN AGAIN. WHY SELF WHY).

The Beginning [Jun/Nino, 336w]
Vampire AU! I was intrigued by this idea, and still am, I guess. This drabble focuses on the morning-after Jun converted Nino to a vampire. (So yes Jun is a vampire, Nino was a human). In my head, there is an elaborate AU of them meeting and falling in love as well as Jun being adamant about dragging Nino into his vampiric world. And of course the conversion was a huge porn plot. :D But I never got down to writing any of those, what only came out is this morning after scene. Maybe one day I will pick this plot up again :)

Why can't I be here?[Jun/Nino, 271w]
My response to why Jun and Nino aren't more rabu rabu on TV. ALTHOUGH. RECENTLY THOUGH. #glaresatthem

Thank You [Ohno/Jun, 531w]
HHAHA. This is for MD. I remember scribbling this on a LJ comment. PORN. And PORN and possibly revealing a bit of how I see Jun/Ohno. Maybe one day I will write a proper story with them both because, so much potential. I mean, Jun ADORES Ohno. And Ohno is all *____* about Jun too.

September 2012: 6620 words
Life's Funny Ways Of Telling You To Get Laid [13,239/2]
Entry for JE_DOA for 2012, written with MD (thus the division of word count). It was supposed to be a story focused on Kame/Subaru. Then I got all mad about Arashi and killed MD with all the Arashi. I keep forgetting that this is a threesome between Jun/Aiba/Nino that I wrote here as well. I did very little in this fic, MD did most of the work tbqh. And Kame/Jun bff-ery is pretty much one of my fave, among other things - like K8 gen, intergroup bff-ery, KT gen etc. It's sad that this fic, due it's cross-band nature doesn't get enough reads/comments compared to the others. #sads

October 2012: 7586 words
Five is Not a Lonely Number [Arashi OT5, 7586w]
My first real Arashi fic. Also for the kitto_slutparty exchange 2012. Wow, this one is a mindblowing experience. I think I edited the fic like 5 times or something and I keep remembering me sitting in the library and typing furiously. It's basically Arashi OT5 where I zoomed into a bunch of relationships in detail and explored them. Ohmiya was particularly hard to write for me. I finished writing Jun/Nino finished because I am biased like that. And Jun/Aiba was surprisingly easy to write. There is a lot of pron, there is also a lot of me sitting down and thinking (then writing) about how the dynamics change within each arashi pairing. So there is a lot of introspection in this fic, because I had to find out the theme of each of these pairings. In a way, this is my ode to Arashi OT5, and why they are an effective 5 man marriage. In a way, this is really me telling the world why I love Arashi. #feelsfeelsfeels

November 2012: 7519 words
Story [Jun/Nino, 7519w]
HAHAHA. My first Matsumiya that isn't actually porn! And has a plot! LIKE YAY. This fic, like I have written in the author's notes, has been sitting in my computer for a long long time. I don't think I will ever have completed it if not for JE_ficgames 2012 which required me to pull a pinch out of my ass. The fic is inspired by Junjou Romantica the animanga and it was written bit by bit in a long span of time (like a few months). I will be watching the anime, taking a abus etc and think of new scenes in Jun-as-Nino's-manager's adventures and then add them into the fic. So towards the end, it was a lot of re-ordering and adding of scenes to make the things flow better. There is, through the scenes I guess, a lot of me trying to tell the world why I ship Matsumiya and how they are always there for each other as well as the mutual trust they have of each other on top of the bantering that they do on a regular basis. So I guess there is a lot of me in this fic. I find it really sad that it's my only real Matsumiya fic up till now ;_;

December 2012: 13434 words
Worth Fighting For [Jun/Nino, 112w]
HAHAH. I get inspirations in the middle of the night all the time. Sometimes words just appear in my head and they are demanding to get out. This 100 words is one of my favourites. There is no plot or anything whatsoever attached to it, just me, writing about what I think Matsumiya is like. I don't usually post things this short, but, somehow I am kind of proud of this one?

Face Me [Jun/Nino, 880w]
This is totally Andi and Riri's fault. Because FACE DOWN IS SUCH A HOT PERFORMANCE THEY TOTALLY HAD SEX led to me writing porn at 6am my time. Be gone, the both of you! Hot, rough sex is all there is for this, man.

Sacrifices for Love [Jun/Nino, 394w]
I took the excuse of an emo Riri to write this. But this one has a little more inspiration behind it. I happened come across a gif set where Nino talked about his role in Letters to Iwo Jima. He said one thing he had in common with the character he was playing was that he wanted to go home. He kept saying that, in multiple interviews, how much he just wanted to go home and it dawned onto me how much he hated leaving the country. And then at the same time, Jun is going around saying how much he loves travelling and all. So thus comes this little 400w scene of how they would resolve this.

Small Town Romance [Ohno/Sho, 12048w]
Finally, my JE_Hols 2012 submission. This wasn't my original plot. I had multiple false starts for this one. My first idea was putting them in a Heian AU. That didn't work out because too much planning etc. My next idea was to put them in a series of chance encounters that would end with them meeting each other once again in the Tenjin Matsuri thing (with references to Misia's Everything of course!). Then I watched the Mago Mago Arashi episode with them helping out at the Soba House and damned I WANTED TO WRITE IT. And then it began the process. I had a lot of fun for the most part because Arashi is amazing to write and I really think Yama is a good pairing to ship and it makes me all :( when the recipient is all, I know a lot of people don't ship this because I DO I DO! And thus I added a lot of scenes which is really me trying to sell the dynamics of this pairing in terms of their mutual respect, the ability for them to sit silently by each other and the sort of polar opposite personalities that draws them together. I just got really really frustrated by 7k because THEY ARE SO COMFY WITH EACH OTHER THEY DONT WANT TO CONFESS. It was a slow build up of their relationship but that is exactly how they are like, so it was just me being frustrated and them being themselves. A lot of people tell me that I don't look like someone who would write this pairing - I usually don't tbqh, but I wanted to try because there is something there that I see. It's also my first fic tha crossed the 10k line so I am really proud of myself - among other things.

Done! <3 <3 Ask me anything about any fics if you want to know more. I am always way too happy to engage in author blab. And all my fics (not so much the pwp ones though) always have a part of myself in them, which is why I always have things to talk about, so yeah <3

type: yearly fic meme, fandom: je, type: fanfic

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