Nov 17, 2009 18:43
To put it lightly an anorexic person doesn't eat and when they look in the mirror, it doesn't matter how thin they are, thinks they are fat.
I was the opposite.
Loved to eat (still do) and no matter how big I got when I looked in the mirror I didn't see myself as fat. Overweight sure, but obese? Never!
The only times I thought I looked obese was when I looked at myself in photos. But have on gotten to be this big it is not without lying to oneself. I was fat in thos pictures because of the clothes I wore, because of the pose I stuck, the lightning wasn't good, "that friend" is just too skinny, and so on and so fort...
How sad is it that the thinnest I remember to be was at 73 kg (160 lbs) and that was when I was 13!!!!
And that was still overweight.
I'm finally starting to loose weight but in a bit more than a month it's Christmas and I must admit I'm scared out of my mind.
This year I'm flying to Argentina to visit my father, who, as I have mention in some other post is obese.
I will be there from 21/12 to 11/1. I know there will be much eating and really, REALLY good food. At best I will maintain my weight (I really want this!!) but I'm scared to gain the weight lost and gain some more.
I know that if I watch what I eat I shouldn't have to much trouble but the problem is that there will be food out 24/7. Breakfast, lunch a dinner will all be big things with many courses and deserts, not to mention the snacks between the meals.
I'm thinking of finding a gym there to workout. But how big of chance is there that one exist that is open most of the time even with all the holiday that exist in this part of the year...
I better stop or I will depress myself more than I already am. It's "that" time of the month for me at zits have appeared all over me as if I'm just entering me teens! YUK!