dAIn bramAge and the dukes of hAzArd

Mar 24, 2005 03:09

my keyboaRd's from hell... so...i go to aN open mic with bobbie, seth, and his glove; lizzy... And after i get done with my four song set... i want cigaRettes becAUse i'm shaKing and stressed aNd of course nicotine cALms one's nerves... so we go to 7-eleven aNd convince some chick to buy us a paCk of cigaRettes...she does... aNd then we remember we don't hAve a fuckin' lighter... so i go in to buy a lighter... ANd the cAshier tells me i need an id for A lighter... so, after A lengthy ARgument over thAT stupidity, she takes my wallet, which waS in my hand At the time, and looks aT my id, thaT cleaRly staTes i'm not eighteen, thAT i aM, in fact, under the legAL age AT which i cAN purchASe tobAcco products... aNd she gives my the fuckin' lighter... so dAve... being the obvious bAStaRd he is, says 'and now thAT i'm even more stressed and tired... would you mind getting me a pACk of cigARettes?' ... so... i waLK out to the cAR aNd hAve one of my cigARettes, from one of my two boxes of cigARettes... ... the point is, no one told my i wAS old enough to buy cigarettes... aNd a lighter... mind you....

-Dave Alter
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