I've got myspace now...
http://www.myspace.com/13358106 .... it's interesting enough.
Nothing's happening in the world I've created for myself.
I got high off mace...as interesting as that might sound. It's actually a spice; like nutmeg, only mace. It was a fucking 16 hour heavy high, and then it lasted in onto Wednesday... Here's the time frame; Monday around midnight I took 20grams, I went to bed, I woke up at 6:45 to go to school. I got in the car and was unaware that anything was happening... I got to school and in first period, I lost my arms. ... yeah... And throughout the day, my eyes were bloodshot and I was... well... high. And then I went to work. I can't remember anything. It was hell trying to work. I went home, crashed until 6:45 in the morning, got up, still high, and went to school. Around 5th period I kind of woke up, finally... And that's where I started regaining the ability to ... do things... like finding my arms.
Progress reports came out today. I have a 21 in English, a 25 in Latin, a 64 in Algebra, and something in Holocaust, I never got my grade report from that teacher. ...oh...I got an entire rant today from my English teacher. I friend of mine that has her class was telling me about it. The teacher was going on about how she has a student in one of her classes that never does anything, all he does is sleep through the class, never cares or anything. And she just hates that he can go through the year doing nothing and ace the final exam and pass the class. My wise friend, Kate, asks, "Are you talking about Dave?" And the teacher: "YES!" So, I feel special. I honestly find that class the most boring class I have... I'm sorry that Othello puts me to sleep...damn, it's boring...
...anyone that tries to get high off nutmeg/mace; here's a note for you to observe; I took medication for allergies (twice as much as I should, mind you), so that may have assisted in my high... also... if you've got a weak stomach, lay off it. And always have plenty of liquids around when ingesting it. ....yeah.....plenty.