Twitter is really fascinating to me....

Dec 21, 2008 12:54

This is amazing. Last night I was online goofing off and a Twitter friend tweeted something about a plane crash in Denver. I went to the normal places, CNN, NPR etc. Couldn't find any news of it. Twitscoop had a little something but just a blip. I wasn't really sure it was real when I went to bed. This am, the story was out on the AP wire but it still didn't make the morning paper. And then I find this in my tweetstream... a link to the Tweetstream from 2DrinksBehin d (Mike Wilson) who was on the plane. Read from about 1/2 way down the page "up" and then scroll to "newer posts" to follow his tweets. Here are my faves:

  • Ugh ... My glasses fell off in the mass exodus getting off the plane .. Can't see very well 

  • Holy fucking shit I wasbjust in a plane crash! 


So, there's a lot about Twitter I don't get, but I have to say stuff like this just fascinates me....


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