Trick or Treat Letter

Sep 22, 2015 16:02

Dear Author!
First of all, let me apologize for posting this letter so late.
Second, let me assure you that the characters I requested? No matter what you write, Trick or Treat, anything at all, I will love it.

If you want to tailor your work to my personal tastes a bit more: I mostly prefer gen, I really enjoy a dark fic, I love reading about characters getting (reversibly or permanently) damaged, I don't mind character death, but I'll also be absolutely happy if you write me something sweet and fluffy with any of the characters I requested.
Just… I'm really not into things like genderswap, I'd prefer my boys to stay boys and my girls to stay girls.

Now… let's see.
Napoleonic Era RPF - Arthur Wellington.
I love my Atty. There is probably no person in this world that I adore more. If you know me from YT chat you will know this. Please, please do not be daunted by this. Don't worry about writing him out of character or anything. There is seriously no way you can do worse in that department than some published authors have done, and I still loved reading their works. Anything you might write me with Arthur I will *love*.
If you want something more specific to work with - I run, where many anecdotes are posted, many of which could be fleshed out into a ficlet. Or just something, anything, an AU, whatever.

The First Law - Sand dan Glokta
The only thing that I think really needs saying here is that I'm not hugely interested in pre-torture Glokta; otherwise, again anything would make me happy.  A scene during his time as a prisoner; afterwards; something sweet with Ardee or someone else, anything. I love that man. I'll love anything you might write me with him.

Babylon 5 - Byron Gordon, Alfred Bester, Lyta Alexander
Here. I have a few more characters - all or any of them. A missing scene, something pre-canon, post-canon, Lyta in the telepath wars, an AU that leads to a different ending for Byron, a shot at Bester's past or future, something sweet between Byron and Lyta, anything.

Harry Potter - Severus Snape
Here's another character I'll read seriously anything with. Pre-canon, during, post-canon, whatver you like. I'm not much into Snape/Lily.

A Song of Ice and Fire - Sandor Clegane
You could get him off of that blasted island for me. Or give me anything else from his past, his future, during the books.. I'm not hugely invested in the Sandor/Sansa thing. If he's to have a happy time with someone, I'd rather see him with someone more mature. I've probably still read any Sanor/Sansa story that is out there, so if that is what you would like to write, go ahead.

Dragonlance - Raistlin Majere
This is a very old fandom of mine. I'll never have enough to read on Raistlin, I love that man so much. I wasn't impressed by the more recent books, though, so if you can pretend that anything after Test of the Twins didn't happen, that would be wonderful.

Ben Hur - Messala
My favourite Roman ever. Again, please, anything you write is by default going to be better than some published works I've read, so don't worry about getting him or any facts of history wrong - other people have done worse, I assure you, and I have still read and enjoyed it. Pre-, during, Post-canon, anything. Messala and Judah before the movie/book; Messala coming to terms with the consequences of surviving the race, or anything else at all that you can think of - I'll be happy!

Highlander - Joe Dawson
Here's another one where you really won't have to worry about whether I'll like it. Joe has held a very very special place in my heart for nearly two decades now. There is seriously no way you can write anything I won't like. Young Joe happy with Betsy. Joe in the war, Joe after the war, younger Joe with the watchers, something with Joe and Duncan, something with Joe and Methos… If you can spare me Richie Ryan, that would be great, if he happens to be your favourite character ever and you need him in a fic to enjoy writing, by lal means, put him in. (Actually, same goes for Duncan)

Deep Space Nine - Bareil Antos, Kira Nerys
Either, or both. I would have loved to see more of their relationship. I would love to read anything about their pasts. Or maybe an AU in which Bareil survives? With or without  permanent damage from his injuries? Anything? Seriously, anything with those two, and I'll love it!
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