kitty69lover Rating: PG13
Category: Rom-com
Characters: Bojan & Pique, as main characters, the rest of the Barça footballers (see tags).
Length: short story (Intro + 12 chaps)
Summary: using the plot from Sex and the City - the Movie, the fic is based on the issues that arise when the 2 soon to be wed realise they envision the ceremony rather differently and things get a little bit out of control.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gerard Pique or his family, or any of the other footballers mentioned in my story, except for Bojan who is MINE, ALL MINE - ah, i wish. i don't own him either... This is just fiction, not the reality.
Authors Notes: this is pretty much an in joke
June 8, 2009
The next morning, Lionel packed for the both, being slightly the same size and weight helped, and when Victor and Pedro returned, they all paid a visit to the grieving boy in the guest room.
“Wake up.”
“We’re going on an adventure.”
They looked at each other. No, it was certainly not a good idea to mention their destination just yet.
“You shall see.”
So they left, a rather morose looking party, and they managed to keep Bojan in the dark regarding where they were going till take off, silently thanking whoever invented the iPod.
Of course, Bojan fell into a stubborn silence when he heard the destination, but he didn’t seem to be that bothered.
They arrived and while Bojan went straight to his room and asking to not be bothered, sunk into a teary slumber, Leo, Vic and Pedro enjoyed the pleasures of the beautiful private beach.
The first few days, Bojan spent them in complete darkness, refusing to go out, refusing to lift the blinds and let the glorious sun in, barely eating. What he did do was sleep and cry, cry and sleep, cry himself to seep and cry in his sleep.
It was a too heartbreaking sight for any of the guys to witness.
“He’s gonna wither and die if he carries on like this.”
“We have to do something, to wake him up from this nearly catatonic state.”
So, the very next morning, Leo marched in the master bedroom of the honeymoon suite and, lifting the blinds, let the sun pour in over the still half asleep Bojan.
“Hey…what…Leo, come on man!”
“How long are you gonna sit like this? You need to get back on your feet as soon as possible. The longer you take to return to the living world and to begin to deal with what happen, the harder it’s gonna be.”
“But I don’t want to….” He whined.
“Then we’ll force you.” And Leo began to pull the covers of, while Victor and Pedro dragged him out of bed, each holding a Bojan foot.
He could’ve hung onto the bed bars, he could’ve moaned, but he didn’t. He let the guys drag him out of bed and then tow him onto the beautiful porch. He knew himself it was time to face the cruel reality.
He sat at the table in the sun, enjoying a hearty breakfast and trying to evaluate what was to be done next. The guys were making small talk, obviously trying to cheer Bojan up. He looked like a recently beaten dog, still not understanding why his master had unleashed the rolled up paper on him, but at least he was not crying.
“…and in the commercial, I play a granny. And for the first shoots, the director decided to use the actual granny and she was there on the set for the rest of the shooting. And she made a pass at me!” Leo was commenting one of the ads he had been part of.
“No way man, how did you react?”
“I told her no, she looked like Perez in drag!”
Everyone laughed and Bojan joined in with a chuckle, even if only a soft one.
“Oh man, he smiled! Welcome back Bo!” Victor patted him on the shoulder.
“Yeah….” Bojan smiled some more.
“Ok, so what happens now?”
“Pedro! Hardly the time!” Vic and Leo reacted.
“No guys, he’s right, the sooner I deal with this, the better.”
He shrugged and took a long soul-searching look at the beautiful emerald sea below them.
“Well, I guess I will have to move on. Forget about it. I mean him. Him, Not it. There never was an it, a true love, I guess….” He frowned. “I suppose I’ll have to talk to Pep and Laporta, see if I can get loaned somewhere.”
“Oh. Are you sure leaving is the best option?”
“What do you want me to do, sit on the bench and watch him play? Train together?”
The guys dropped the subject for the reminder of the week and as the days passed, Bojan seemed to be mending. As they returned, Bojan actually managed to play a Pique-type prank on Pedro, by locking him in the airport bathroom where he had to be rescued from by the whole staff.