Apr 07, 2009 04:21
What do you want from me? You know i hate to reveal myself directly.. I've always enjoyed anonymity. I've always said though that if you ask i tell but thats a half truth, I'll tell if i like the way the question was asked. Its funny to me that i even admit this but this is the way it is. I'm not sure if i ever accomplished anything in creating this journal only because i'm afraid to write to much about anything. I look back and see nothing really specific any anything ive ever written, there may be a poem in there i wrote and never saved elsewhere. I have come along way though I used to think and you can see it if you read that I'll always be alone and here i am getting married in 6 months. I have my own place, I've got a good job my trucks broke down again but It shall rise again its the reznor thats what it does.
I love my woman with all that i am and all that i know to love, I feel a little more confident in life. I think the window is starting to clear up and the fog is rolling away, though you may see a storm at least you no longer live by the lie.
Peace love & BS.