First and foremost: hot pink marshmallow peeps are the solution to all of life's problems. I swear, my brain just melted in the pink, overly sugary goodness of half a box of them.
No, I have no self control, why do you ask?
Not that life is particularly troublesome, my mind just goes places and then suddenly it's like BAM HAVE MORE SUGAR THAN YOU'RE PREPARED TO HANDLE IN BIRD-FORM. and all is well again because my muses run for the hills.
I also have some art by both me and not me of Hojo!
This is art by me! :D
It's the first two panels to something significantly more scandalous that wouldn't leave my brain, so obviously the best thing to do with it is draw it. I logic so good. I'm not happy with Hojo's face in that second panel, but it's kind of too late to do anything about it.
This second one does by a friend of mine,
lizardoflight. We were sitting around in English and she was drawing, so I said, "Dude, draw me Hojo!" And she was like, "idk what he looks like well enough D<" and then we met again in English the next day and she had this drawn. It makes me happier than it should. I mean, it makes me ridiculously happy. I am easily pleased.