Why Bowie is better than God
taken from
mookid loves Bowie: why Bowie is better than God: a fan site
- We know for certain that David exists.
- David has cooler clothes; God's billowing robes are just so passe.
- David is less prone to smiting sinners (a definite plus).
- If you hear God's voice in your head, you're probably crazy.
- If you hear Bowie's voice in your head, you may be crazy, but at least you have something to sing along to.
- David looks better naked than God does. (Conclusion based on appearances in "The Man Who Fell To Earth" and the uncensored "China Girl" video)
- God couldn't tease his hair that high, even during the 80's.
- God can't play the guitar.
- David has better shoes.
- David is richer.
- David is still attractive.
- God probably looks like Mick Jagger or Keith Richards by now.
- Going to a Bowie concert is a lot more fun than church.
- God doesn't paint his toenails.
- God's too uptight.
- People don't corner you at malls to tell you that "Bowie loves you."
- David looks better in a dress