Work-Life Balance

May 26, 2011 09:23

He will be late again for dinner.

Work-Life Balance )

tolkien, fanfiction, drabble

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azalaisdep May 26 2011, 22:10:59 UTC
I love the image of Morwen prowling fiercely - he calls her "blackbird" but she sounds more like the cat who's stalking the bird!

(Is she dark-haired like her grandmother, then? For some reason I had her down in my head as blond...)

And no, Faramir, Gondor is not your hobby, Gondor is your job! (As I'm sure Morwen will point out...)


altariel May 26 2011, 22:17:00 UTC
Yes, she's dark-haired (Léof is the blond one). And Morwen = "dark maiden".

And no, Faramir, Gondor is not your hobby, Gondor is your job!

His hobby obviously being first editions. (And chess.)


azalaisdep May 26 2011, 22:28:38 UTC
His hobby obviously being first editions. (And chess.)

And do you think Gondor has harpsichords? (Or did Wimsey favour the spinet, I forget?) "Bach for tomorrow, when the grey matter begins to revolve..."

Morwen = "dark maiden"

D'oh. Told you I wasn't very with it this evening.


altariel May 26 2011, 22:35:49 UTC
I suppose Léof would be the cricketer.

And I think everyone's Sindarin gets a little flaky after 11pm.


azalaisdep May 27 2011, 13:39:34 UTC
Hah, I am now imagining the cast of LoTR on the cricket pitch...

Eomer is the Ian Botham figure, mane of blond hair, all welly and no finesse, thumping it over the Rammas Echor for six. Aragorn is the all-rounder; demon fast bowler (with that height), bats at No. 3. Faramir is, of course, a spin bowler (devious, deceptive Ranger type). Legolas is devastating in the outfield; the Hobbits field at slip. Gimli keeps wicket.

Oh, and Gandalf umpires, obviously.

(And Eowyn keeps demanding to know why she is expected to keep score and rustle up the cucumber sandwiches ;-) )


altariel May 27 2011, 14:06:20 UTC
This is making me insanely happy. Faramir bats like Paul Collingwood/Brigadier Block *(read the first paragraph here).

Denethor always retains the ashes.

And Eowyn watches her menfolk indulgently, before heading off to do what she considers to be a proper sport, like rockclimbing or bungee jumping or white water rafting.


azalaisdep May 27 2011, 14:29:47 UTC
Faramir bats like Paul Collingwood

Hee, yes. Dogged defence in the last ditch.

Denethor always retains the ashes.

Oi! Beverage warning!

And Eowyn watches her menfolk indulgently, before heading off to do what she considers to be a proper sport, like rockclimbing or bungee jumping or white water rafting.

Or Australian Rules football ;-)


altariel May 27 2011, 14:38:58 UTC
Oi! Beverage warning!

Sorry, sorry, had to be said!

Or Australian Rules football ;-)

Or Orc Patrol


azalaisdep May 27 2011, 16:32:46 UTC
Clearly there isn't enough cricket in LoTR..

Which makes me want to quote Wendy Cope's The Cricketing Versions:

'There isn't much cricket in the Cromwell play' (overheard at a dinner party)

There isn't much cricket in Hamlet either,
There isn't much cricket in Lear.
I don't think there's any in Paradise Lost*
- I haven't a copy right here.

* Apparently there is. 'Chaos umpire sits,/And by decision more embroils the fray.' Paradise Lost, Book II, lines 907-8.

Now I'm just imagining them all in cricket whites [fwump]


altariel May 27 2011, 18:22:37 UTC
Ha! Didn't know that one, brilliant!

Now I'm just imagining them all in cricket whites [fwump]

*happy noises*


azalaisdep May 27 2011, 18:55:20 UTC
The poem goes on to imagine the various conflicts of the works in question being fought out on the cricket pitch instead - Laertes: Howzat! etc :-)


azalaisdep May 27 2011, 20:52:23 UTC
She comments later in the poem, "You could make a long list of the plays and the books/In which there's no cricket at all."

This is, of course, true, but ignores the utter brilliance of things like Chapter 18 of Murder must Advertise ("Unexpected Conclusion of a Cricket Match") which is absolutely one of my favourite episodes in a novel ever ( ... )


altariel May 30 2011, 13:35:50 UTC
Hee! I noticed your posts getting longer as the deadline for packing got shorter! What a wonderful paragraph! Do you remember the cricket matches from Antonia Forest's The Cricket Term? Particularly the one with the cries of: "Nemesis! Hubris!"


azalaisdep June 7 2011, 07:17:25 UTC
[whistles nonchalantly - the packing did get done, somehow!]

I've never read Cricket Term - we don't have it at work for some reason and I don't think the county library has it either, though I must check that...


altariel June 7 2011, 07:26:45 UTC
Not one of the ones reprinted by Girls Gone By, alas, and even the paperbacks are going for silly money now (£30+).


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