Title: Making Progress
Summary: Several months before their wedding, the relationship between Akito and Shigure is still very much a work-in-progress.
Characters: Akito, Shigure, Hatori
Rating: T; some swearing, some adult themes.
Genre: Romance/Drama/Humor
Spoilers: Set post-series; spoilers for the whole of the manga series.
Story Status:
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Just a quick question--since you wrote them so marvelously I trust your taste, I have to ask: do you have any recs for these two? Maybe it's because it's a series targeted to young teenage girls (I was one once and my fics then were pretty terrible) but the vast majority of Shigure/Akito fics I've been able to find are crap. I've actually been thinking of writing some of my own--and I'm not in fandom for this series really at all--because there seems to be such a dearth of fic. Funny, since their relationship is one of the more important and interesting ones in the series. Like, assuming that everyone in the family would want to go to Kyo and Tohru's eventual wedding, how would Akito and Shigure deal with that? How would everyone else in the family deal with them as a couple (I can see reactions varying from WTF to outright disgust)? WHY HAS NO ONE WRITTEN THIS?
Anyway, you seem like one of the most intelligent Fruits Basket fans I've interacted with online, so I was curious if you had any favorites.
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