Title: Despedida bajo la lluvia
Hikari Shiroki Rating: Worksafe
Pairing: Shigure x Akito
Warnings: So this is a pic of what it will have happened a little more ahead if the manga would have continue
D. I'm SURE that Akito would have ended abandoining him _._---- yeah, my dear Akito would come to sense eventually
Disclaimers: Fruits Basket is a creation of the mangaka Natsuki Takaya, all characters and story belong to her. I just took two of her charas for the sake of entertainment, and I don't will receive any profit for this. Don't sue me ><...
Notes/Dedications: To all Akito-san fans still out there ^^!!! We love Akito regardless of the passing time, right? ^^.
Y!G /
SA Hope you all like it ^^!!